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CARE patient feedback

CARE Patient Feedback Measure


Please rate the following statements about today’s consultation.

How good was the practitioner at…

1. Making you feel at ease (introducing him/herself, explaining his/her position, being friendly and warm towards you, treating you with respect; not cold or abrupt) *
2. Letting you tell your “story” (giving you time to fully describe your condition in your own words; not interrupting, rushing or diverting you) *
3. Really listening (paying close attention to what you were saying; not looking at the notes or computer as you were talking) *
4. Being interested in you as a whole person (asking/knowing relevant details about your life, your situation; not treating you as “just a number”) *
5. Fully understanding your concerns (communicating that he/she had accurately understood your concerns and anxieties; not overlooking or dismissing anything) *
6. Showing care and compassion (seeming genuinely concerned, connecting with you on a human level; not being indifferent or “detached”) *
7. Being positive (having a positive approach and a positive attitude; being honest but not negative about your problems) *
8. Explaining things clearly (fully answering your questions; explaining clearly, giving you adequate information; not being vague) *
9. Helping you to take control (exploring with you what you can do to improve you health yourself; encouraging rather than “lecturing” you) *
10. Making a plan of action with you (discussing the options, involving you in decisions as much as you want to be involved; not ignoring your views) *

© CARE SW Mercer, Scottish Executive 2004: The CARE Measure was originally developed by Dr Stewart Mercer and colleagues as part of a Health Service Research Fellowship funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive (2000-2003).