Child ADHD Assessment

Use this childhood ADHD test to help determine if your child or teenage daughter or son should see a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). Childhood ADHD symptoms typically include trouble focusing on tasks, difficulty concentrating, acting impulsively, and hyperactivity in some.

Child ADHD Assessment

Simply answer the questions on how your child or teen has behaved and felt during the past 6 months. Take your time and answer as truthfully as possible for the most accurate results.

How often does your child have difficulty sustaining your attention while doing something for work, school, a hobby, or fun activity (e.g., remaining focused during lectures, lengthy reading or conversations)? *
How often is your child easily distracted by external stimuli, like something in their environment such as a noise or another conversation? *
How often does your child avoid, dislike, or are reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort or thought? *
How often does your child trouble listening to someone, even when they are spoken to directly, like their mind is somewhere else? *
How often does your child have difficulty in organizing an activity or task needing to get done (e.g., poor time management, fails to meet deadlines, difficulty managing sequential tasks, messy and disorganized work)? *
How often does your child fail to give close attention to details, or make careless mistakes in things such as schoolwork, or during other activities? *

How often does your child forget to do something that they do all the time, such as missing a playdate, practice, or forgetting their lunch? *
How often does your child lose, misplace or damage something that they need in order to get things done (e.g., school materials, pencils, books, tools, etc.)? *
How often does your child have trouble following through on instructions, or failing to finish schoolwork, chores, or other duties (e.g., they start a task but quickly lose focus and are easily sidetracked)? *
How often is your child unable to play or engage in playtime or leisurely activities quietly? *
How often does your child have difficulty waiting their turn, such as while waiting in line? *
How often does your child run about or climb in situations where it is inappropriate? *
How often does your child fidget, taps their hands or feet, or squirms in their seat? *
How often does your child blurt out an answer before a question has been completed? *
How often does your child feel restless, "on the go," or acting as if "driven by a motor" (e.g., is unable to be or uncomfortable being still for extended periods of time)? *
How often does your child leave their seat in situations when remaining seated is expected (e.g., in a classroom)? *
How often do you find your child talking excessively? *
How often does your child interrupt or intrude on others (e.g., butts into conversations, games or activities; may start using other people's things without asking or receiving permission)? *
Were several of the above symptoms present prior to age 12? (if applicable)
Do the symptoms appear in at least two or more settings (e.g., at home and school)? *